Thursday, April 15, 2010

Broadband and Future of Mankind

Forget everything you have learned about business, technology, and advertising. None of it is relevant anymore, gone, deleted, never existed, this is the landscape for the business climate of the 21st century, sounds scary and exciting at the same time, those Harvad MBA's are not worth the paper they were printed on. Now! is the call to action, form is out the door, refinement, save that for Mercedes Benz and Louis Vitton, timeliness, content, and social meaing are the future, a mandate as solid as the 10 commandments. Time to market traffic directly to the consumer, tell me what you want, what you need, own a celebrity, reinvent cinema or manage a multi billion dollar investment fund sparking tech upstarts that gave birth to Google, Twitter, and various other tech apps, no more shopping mall, let's go to Amazon, Netflixs or I Tunes store, bust out the plastic, get involved. The end user will be whittle down to the very last digital piece of information, there is no escape, be processed or put the barrel of the gun in your mouth. Who could have imagined all this digital insanity of the past 20 years, wait for the next 20, wealth only the poorest of the poor dream about, surviving on Top Ramen in small garages or studios looking to make that next seemingly impossible bridge on the cyber highway, look for the signs and don't miss the exit.

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