Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cell Drain

Looked up for the first time in ten minutes while busily tapping away on the touch screen of my cellphone only to notice everyone else in the room inside their personal cocoon of auto erotic digital pleasure. Completely zoned from the rest of the world as they burrowed their way through vast amounts of information like crack fiends seeking the ultimate score. The era of the portable computer has finally made an identation into our already limited attention span, might as well forget it, no need for cigarettes, just get into Facebook, texting, or sending cult hero photos with whitty captions to other brain starved amigos on the other side of the country. Conversation can be quite an achievement for the general public due to our new found facination with social media and the ever presence desire to broadcasat the most minute half formulated ideas in search of the holy grail of peer approval. It has come to the point where I have to place my phone inside a jacket zipper, just let go of the urge for the time being to further bland the minds of mutually distracted public who can no longer achieve the loft rock star goals of their dreams, but now must be quite content to render themselves into a satellite status of semi anonymous huma-droids constructing billions of little sheltered biovaucs in a grand scheme to give spontaneous birth to the next hip meta-cast web portal with illegal downshare links, hologram self portraits of nearby cities, and alternate universes filled with unique species of alien nature that would give even the most unexplainable science fiction character a strong case of xenophobia.

I feel like such a loser for being such a willing participant in the process, but now must settle back in the role of casual observer as the world heads into an era where business and the technological tools the masses have begin to wield, collide into an all out assualt to fuse silicon with carbon, the new big bang into a epoch where the means of communication will supercede the content being offered. Don't doubt when my Facebook feed is filled with nothing but advertisements and a strong helping of irrelevant drivel that constitutes nothing more a widespread epidemic of public urination or indecent exposure we are well on our way. Distraction is my best friend and those around me at the moment. Does anyone care what is going on around them or have we all decided to feed a life that must be pimped by the architects of 21 century dream machines? Maybe I should be concerned or scared for the direction of society, personally it will not be boring by a long shot, the actions of people never fail to dissapoint, so go back to watching the television shows, surfing the net, or doing the social media swing, tune in. turn on, tune out.

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