Monday, November 21, 2011

7 Billion

Filling up the streets, freeways, and cyberspace, I can remember the projected population reports of high school social studies classes that offered up a relative time line for a time when planet earth would earth 7 Billion inhabitants 2015 might have been the date, possibly 2013, but here is 2011 and let's have a round of applause for the human carnal desire . The bodies just keep piling up, there is not enough plague, war, violence, disease, and natural disasters to stem the tide of the global reproductive frenzy taking place all around us. As long as sex and an hereditary inclination to have mini replicas of ourselves exist; there shall always be room to give birth to someone who will fix romantic relationships, as well as social, economic, and personal psychological issues of the human race. But what the hell are we as adults, elders, and mentors truly offering the children of tomorrow. So many of them already walk the streets muted by the technological gifts borne from the collective need to find distraction instead of purposeful intention. We adult/children have lost the mettle which set our elders apart from us in eras past. Throughout the past decade I have seen so many nations, rich and poor bursting at the seams with humans all vying for the same limited resources or just for the opportunity to buy an XBox, IPod, or satellite television.

How much further can this population trend go without seeking alternative planets for living, where those who can afford the adventurous transplantation get away from the sprawling masses that sicken of existing on one bowl of rice a day. Or will this planet simply swallow up the entire human race discarding our existence like the ancient animal fossil scattered throughout the world. Of course, the most convenient answer is, "Well, I'll be dead before anything gets too weird." I remember my grandparents telling me that exact thing. They were so overly concerned about how the US was heading down the shitter, but why bother changing things. " I went through WWII and the Great Depression." so it was as if they felt as a generation; they had a pass to stick their collective heads in the sand and bequeath the misery onto the future. Well, the future is here and there does not seem to be anyone out there overly concerned with where society and the human race could be headed in the next hundred years. Technology is no savior, I see more facebook users than anything clogging up the internet, just more virtual drugs to bury the pain of existence, the chain of the digital human race has made the 7 Billion a campground where people hang in cliques and screen out the others with the checkmark of a few boxes. Regardless, people will continue to fuck, have children as an answer to their problems, then set them adrift at the earliest convenience, as the cycle keeps repeating until we have nothing left to consume but each other, Yum!

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