Tuesday, November 2, 2010

National Mental Breakdown

Could have been due to the uncertainity of the election for Senate or my weekly excursion out onto the streets of Las Vegas, people seemed to be awfully distracted today with a heighten sense of fear, maybe the realization of how permanent our nation's transition into the 21st century will not offer all the advantages is so readily abused in the 20th century has something to do with it. The era of contemplation, incestous corporate ladder structure, and petty baseless xenophobic views is coming to a close. A once wide open fast track has been rerouted across the Pacific to China where young adults of certain social standing will have now have the opportunity to rot their minds on pop culture, social media, and the illusion of attainable success. I sense a dark curtain beginning to draw around the US, one group attempting to draw the drapes shut, while the other desires to pull them wide open in a global embrace that does not really care too much anymore about our place in the world, outside of the possiblity of not destroying it. The US as a rouge nation, an axis of evil, sounds crazy ,but in some circles that projection has already been solidified, luckily the extent today only made it as far as the intersection of a local Las Vegas intersection.

Already had two close calls today with drivers impaired by stress or genetic defect which causes them to run red lights with complete disregard for any other cars in the general area. It was possible a lingering hangover from the Halloween weekend could be having an effect on the people in town, how would I know, slept in on Sunday night, however an invisible hostile air happen to be telling me other things, like how no one is happy with anything going on in the states, suicides, murder, and overdoses are probably on the rise, giving a shit about the future has become out of fashion, overpopulation, not enough work, adults, teens, and kids, still having more children, the impact of metal upon metal transportation vehicle turned into a symphony of high impact mayhem plays on the midday airwaves of gridlock traffic. The worst of the damage had to be a driver who got T boned on the passenger side by someone clearly running a red light by at least ten seconds, not sure if the driver was fleeing a crime, but she caved in the driver's side door knocking the person inside unconscious then got out as if high on speed with a naive innocence as if trying to negate the realization that her future had possibly just taken a turn for the worse.

The car hit happen to be the person in front of me at the turn signal thankfully I was distracted talking to someone on my cellphone not too worried about driving about like a bat on PCP and speed, so I got to offer up a play by play to the friend on the other end of the line, like a movie stunt gone bad, immidate impact, a short silence, then the sound of far off sirens as strangers nearby gather like beings at a funeral. I was probably obligated in some moral sense to stay there and offer up my thoughts on the accident to the proper authorities, but explanation of such things is like the telling of the Rashoman story, four views of the same incident all told in quite different manners of interpetation and the growing curiousity of sizeable legion of witness set my conscious at ease that the matter would settled, as my own sense of self preservation kicked in that invisible of force of hostility had pulled my name today, on the streets we are all fair game, open season, chalk it up to laws of gravity, darwinism, and a primitive sense of blood feast during the pagan moon. I had escaped luckily, just have to watch for the signs, those faceless beings who are nothing more than angles of death with judical courts at their back, guns, autos, drugs, and an extreme sense of fear to kill everything to diminish those feelings of their own mortality, a last ditch effort for the obsolete of the 21st century to be heard before they are grinded up into cement and used as the foundation for the leaders of tomorrow.

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