All over my neighborhood there seems to a be a rash of thirty something guys who walk their little foofie dogs, you know the kind of dogs their girlfriend/wife/ boss tend to buy when they go out of town to nuture that lingering maternal instinct yet to be satisfied with their current male counterpart.
Everyday I see these guys on various forms of social stratification, yesterday there was the cool skinny alt rocker with the stringy hair, tattoos, and child size jeans taking the little pooch out for its afternoon piss break, another knob supported by the lady. There is also the overweight, ex jock, and the pretty boy band reject with the Backstreet Boys hairdo, all fallout from 2000, where their 20 something looks got them what they need without any thought, any effort, girls would go down on them, they did not need money or fame, just that little pubscent teen boy look, but now that era is over and these guys have no skills, education, or talent to support themselves, so now they lay up in the condo resort where I reside, these guys are everywhere, at least ten a day walking those little shit dogs around, I mean this a damn epidemic where I live, all sort of kiss asses who do not have a set on them, where are all the women at, probably the only ones employed. There is a couple who live across from me, have seen the girlfriend twice, but the guy always seems to be milling around, driving her car to where ever he spends his time during the day, possibly job hunting, more than likely heading over to some other woman's house to walk her dog inbetween bouts of sex, could also be participating in a collective male dog walking club while spending the day stoned. Ran into some guy while checking the mail one day who was from New Zealand, his wife happen to work at one of the local taverns I tend to frequent, did not want to know who she was, cause this guy looked like his family fucked each other for at least since the beginning of human evolution, possibly mom drank during her pregnancy, anyway, most of the women who work at the bar are a fair bit attract, so I could not understand how this jagged tooth, missing link replica, tenth generation inbred could possibly make any head way with a cocktail waitress, but there he was taking poochie out for a quick shit, of which very few people in my neighborhood bother to pick up, unless you catch them, then they seize up like a bolt of lighting hit them, running toward the nearest plastic poop bag dispenser of which there are scores of them throughout the subdivision, wrapping up that turd like a chirstmas present, yet most go undetected so I have to walk around turd after turd to check the mail, kicking the dry ones out into the street.
I have no problem with the dog crap, just these weak bitch ass guys who bend over backwards for their women, role reversal has hit the 21st century, now hubby can stay home, feed the kids, change the diapers, walk the dog, and become Mr. Mom. Secondly, those small little dogs like the ones you see Paris Hilton trying to stuff up snatch are typically the most annoying, paranoid, and obnoxious dogs of all, but this does not deter their popularity, maybe it has to do with all the bubblehead twenty something women of reality television who are constantly seen strolling to restuarants, airports, and red carpet premieres with their tiny rat looking dogs, so why not follow the trends, out go the masses of women purchasing these so called exotic dogs, could be cats as well. When I see a guy walking one of these small dogs, I know he is whipped, has reached way above his level in getting a woman and will do anything to hold on, money, sex, her good looks, and the ability to brag to friends, most men today have no sack anymore, complete slaves to the will of their girlfriends, not even a give and take, more like sure I'll go pick up some dogshit, while you go rub on cocks at the local strip club, just as long as I don't have to get a job and can lay up, work on my writing, and be an artist, it takes time baby to write that Great American Novel, screenplay, or whatever other load of shit these douchebags have made themselves believe to avoid the failure looming in reality all around them. Total twats, when you see them out in your neighborhood let them know, expose the male dog walker legion, trying to hide behind the scenes, this dark little secret of cutting off the balls for the illusion of security, a facade crumbling into fine dust.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
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